Planning and Permitting
Facet provides comprehensive long-range planning and project permitting services for government agencies, tribes, non-profits, and residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional clients. Our planners combine scientific expertise, regulatory relationships, strategic organization, risk assessment, and geospatial analysis to help clients navigate complex permitting processes and tackle long-term planning challenges.
Over the years, we’ve helped more than 100 communities create sustainable, science-based regulations and plans that are both practical and effective. Whether it’s addressing Growth Management Act compliance, shoreline planning, or long-range goals, Facet’s team is here to guide you every step of the way.
From small scale residential land use permitting, to large public infrastructure projects, we bring practical, science-backed solutions to every project. We work closely with our engineers, scientists, and landscape architects to provide accurate environmental documentation, geospatial mapping, and detailed mitigation plans that meet regulatory requirements. With strong connections to agencies like the WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, the WA Dept. of Ecology, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, we strive to ensure projects move forward smoothly, within budget and on-schedule.
Current Planning Services:
Site Feasibility Assessments/Land Use Entitlements
Federal Permitting: NEPA Categorical Exclusions, Environmental Assessments, and Environmental Impact Statements; Corps of Engineers Section 10/404 and Dredged Material Management Office Authorizations
Endangered Species Act/Section 7 Compliance
State Permitting: WA Dept. of Ecology 401 Water Quality Certification, Coastal Zone Management Consistency Determination, and Stormwater General Permits; WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Project Approval; WA Dept. of Natural Resources Aquatic Lands Authorizations
Local Permitting: SEPA Compliance; Critical Areas and Buffer/Reasonable Use Permitting, Shoreline Substantial Development Permits, Variances, and Conditional Use Permits; Building and Grading Permits
Long-Range Planning Services:
Comprehensive Plan Updates
Critical Area Ordinance Updates
Shoreline Master Program Updates
Regulatory Code Updates
Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Analysis and Planning
On-Call Planning Services:
Land-Use and Critical Areas Permitting Reviews