Log Boom and Squire’s Landing Parks: Kenmore, WA
Facet was on a project team to help the City of Kenmore develop two waterfront parks from master plan to bid on Lake Washington. Log Boom Park includes a new public beach and boat storage building. Squire's Landing Park includes a parking lot, restroom, boardwalks, boat launch, floating dock, and picnic pavilion structure. The consultant teams designed boardwalks, a parking lot, trails, water service, sewer conveyance, stormwater treatment, grading, and paving.
Moran State Park Campground Improvements, Orcas Island, WA
Facet provided all engineering services for campground improvements in Moran State Parks’s predesign process. This included site improvements at Cascade Lake/Falls, Mountain Lake, and Mount Constitution Summit area; historic preservation for multiple structures; campground redevelopments; Moran Campground upgrades, including a dock and restroom replacement; a possible maintenance compound relocation; Environmental Learning Center lodge renovation; and a comprehensive response to parking demand.
Anacapa Island Wharf Rehabilitation: Ventura, CA
Facet led the consultant team in rehabilitating the 80-year-old Anacapa Pier, improving vessel access and structural resilience. The project earned a Merit Award in the 2024 ACEC California Engineering Excellence Awards
Blake Island State Park Marina Improvements Pre-Design: Kitsap County
Facet provided all planning and engineering services related to a comprehensive marina needs study through a pre-design process. The Blake Island Marina project proposed to dredge sand and sediment from the entrance channel and Blake Island Marina; replace moorage piers, floats, gangways, boat pump out platform, and access routes to comply with federal accessibility requirements within the marina; examine reconfigurations of moorage to be more efficient and flexible; examine breakwater improvements; remove creosote from the pier/marina; and construct a permanent cargo ramp for the maintenance vessel.
Marinas Study: North Dakota Parks and Recreation
Facet conducted a statewide study of four North Dakota marinas, assessing infrastructure conditions, recommending repairs, and planning phased moorage expansions to support long-term investment and legislative CIP budget planning.
Replacement Floating Dock for NHL Scow Schooner Alma: San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park
Facet provided marine engineering and permitting services to the National Park Service for replacement of the National Historic Landmark (NHL) Scow Schooner Alma’s floating dock and improvements to the berthing configuration and gangway access to the NHL Steam Tugboat Hercules.
Marine Trades Center Phase 2: Port of Port Angeles
Facet and Kennedy Jenks recently finalized the design for an asphalt roadway for a 500-ton Travelift vehicle with the option for reinforced concrete wheel paths, asphalt access roadways, and three concrete stormwater treatment tanks for the Marine Trades Center Phase 2 Development for the Port of Port Angeles. Work completed at this time includes structural plans and details, cost estimate, specifications and calculations. Project began construction in July 2024 and will open to the public in March 2025.
Ancich Waterfront Park: City of Gig Harbor
Facet provided all-inclusive environmental review and permitting services to the City of Gig Harbor for the development of Ancich Waterfront Park. Design included stabilizing shoreline with new vegetative slope protection, a concrete bulkhead with shoreline access, re-grading and hardscaping two wetlands, and the replacement of two pier