Structural Engineering Lacey Penner Structural Engineering Lacey Penner

Tukwila Village

Facet provided structural engineering for Tukwila Village, four mixed-use buildings totaling 403 units and a community building. The mixed-use structures are four- and five-story wood structures over two- and three-stories of concrete construction housing both mixed income and affordable senior apartments, and market rate apartments.

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Marine/Environmental Engineering Lacey Penner Marine/Environmental Engineering Lacey Penner

Marina Breakwater: Chenega, AK

Chenega Village, AK engaged Facet in 2023 to provide a study and grant support for a floating breakwater system to protect an existing marina from wind waves. The system is anticipated to be a rigid rectangular floating breakwater composed of modular concrete units around polystyrene cores, anchored with sunken gravity blocks. Grant funding was successfully obtained 2023. Facet then assisted the owner in producing a permit level design and is currently obtaining all project permits.

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Lakefront Park Phase II: City of Lake Forest Park

Facet is the prime consultant for the planning and design of a new waterfront park in Lake Forest Park, transforming former residential properties into a vibrant community space. The site includes the lower segment and mouth of Lyon Creek, a salmon-bearing stream, along with significant trees and wetlands.

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Lacey Penner Lacey Penner

Guide to Developing Effective Tree Regulations: King County

Working collaboratively with the King County Division of Water and Land Resources, Facet created the Guide to Developing Effective Tree Regulations on Private Property to fill a critical need for guidance on developing and implementing private tree regulations. The Guide includes a synthesis of existing regulations in King County jurisdictions that were gathered through code research, an online survey of jurisdictional planning staff, and interviews with four municipalities

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Planning & Permitting Lacey Penner Planning & Permitting Lacey Penner

Critical Areas Ordinance Update: City of Sammamish

Facet assisted the City of Sammamish with an update to their critical areas regulations to comply with the Washington State Growth Management Act and the Endangered Species Act. As part of this update, Facet provided an in-depth review of “best available science” pertaining to all five critical area types, including wetlands and fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas.

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Planning & Permitting Lacey Penner Planning & Permitting Lacey Penner

Comprehensive Plan Update: Kitsap County

Facet supported Kitsap County with the periodic update of its comprehensive plan. Facet was the prime consultant for the effort, with five subconsultant firms also providing support. In addition to the update of the comprehensive plan, the project included amendments to development regulations, including the Critical Areas Ordinance Update (CAO). To inform the CAO update, Facet began by preparing a Best Available Science Report, which included specific content related to the potential effects of climate change on critical areas.

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Planning & Permitting Lacey Penner Planning & Permitting Lacey Penner

Advance Mitigation Program: City of Kirkland

Facet developed an advance wetland and stream buffer mitigation strategy to improve efficiency of design and permitting for City of Kirkland projects. This approach is superior to the traditional design where each impact has a stand-alone mitigation effort that is designed, permitted, constructed, maintained and monitored on a project-by-project basis.

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Log Boom and Squire’s Landing Parks: Kenmore, WA

Facet was on a project team to help the City of Kenmore develop two waterfront parks from master plan to bid on Lake Washington. Log Boom Park includes a new public beach and boat storage building. Squire's Landing Park includes a parking lot, restroom, boardwalks, boat launch, floating dock, and picnic pavilion structure. The consultant teams designed boardwalks, a parking lot, trails, water service, sewer conveyance, stormwater treatment, grading, and paving.

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Moran State Park Campground Improvements: Orcas Island, WA

Facet provided all engineering services for campground improvements in Moran State Parks’s predesign process. This included site improvements at Cascade Lake/Falls, Mountain Lake, and Mount Constitution Summit area; historic preservation for multiple structures; campground redevelopments; Moran Campground upgrades, including a dock and restroom replacement; a possible maintenance compound relocation; Environmental Learning Center lodge renovation; and a comprehensive response to parking demand.

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