Wetlands, Streams, & Shorelines

Facet helps clients navigate the complexities of assessing and restoring wetlands, streams, and shorelines. Our scientists bring expertise in evaluating critical areas, providing detailed documentation for permit approvals, and designing practical mitigation and restoration plans that enhance ecological functions while meeting regulatory requirements.

With experience across a wide range of projects, from small parcels to large watersheds—Facet specializes in solutions that meet regulatory permitting requirements and achieve desired project objectives. Our team’s knowledge of permitting processes and close coordination with cities, counties, and agencies such as the WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), WA Dept of Ecology , and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ensures smooth project progression.

We also offer expertise in non-traditional mitigation options including mitigation banking, in-lieu fee programs, and restoration credits, giving clients flexible approaches to environmental compliance. Over the years, Facet has supported public and private entities on projects ranging from stream rehabilitation and shoreline restoration to wetland creation.

Whether it’s addressing development impacts or designing sustainable improvements, Facet’s team is dedicated to creating solutions that protect natural resources and support the long-term health of the environment.

Key Services:

Wetland and Stream Delineation/Documentation

Renaissance Studies • Delineation Studies and Reports • Critical Areas Code Compliance Reports • Mitigation and Restoration Plans • Impact and Mitigation Needs Assessment • Planting Plans and Landscape Restoration • Mitigation Bank Use Plans • Shoreline Jurisdiction & Other Compliance Documentation

Wetland and Stream Impact Permitting

401/404 Clean Water Act Compliance (JARPA) • Endangered Species Act Compliance (BA/BE studies • Buffer Modifications and Averaging Plans • Stream Bank Full Width and OHWM Delineation • WDFW Water Crossing Guidelines Compliance for culverts and Bridges