Anacapa Island Wharf Rehabilitation: Ventura, CA


Facet spearheaded the consultant team for the replacement project of Anacapa Pier. The facility serves as the primary vessel landing for park access and is a key attraction for divers. This project rehabilitated the severely deteriorated 80-year-old Anacapa Pier and made improvements to minimize risk in vessel-to-land/land-to-vessel at-sea transfers for both personnel and cargo. The repair and improvements included rebuilding the 500-sf steel construction pier and support with provisions to raise the deck elevation in the future to accommodate sea level rise, installation of nine new fender piles approximately 5-ft away from the edge of the pier to provide a recessed and protected space for a new adjustable platform, installation of a stern mooring line to limit vessel motion during loading/unloading operations in active sea conditions, and repair 80-LF of concrete wall face of varying height, and 1,048-sf of deteriorated concrete top slab. The project received a Merit Award in the 2024 ACEC California Engineering Excellence Awards competition.


Anacapa Island


National Parks Service

Services Provided:

  • Marine Engineering & Structural Design

    • Reconstruction of the 500-sf steel pier with future sea level rise provisions

  • Vessel Access & Safety

    • Installation of fender piles, an adjustable platform, and a stern mooring line for stability during loading and unloading

  • Structural Repairs & Longevity

    • Restoration of concrete wall face and deteriorated top slab to extend pier lifespan


Facet led the consultant team in rehabilitating the 80-year-old Anacapa Pier, improving vessel access and structural resilience. The project earned a Merit Award in the 2024 ACEC California Engineering Excellence Awards


Moran State Park Campground Improvements, Orcas Island, WA


Blake Island State Park Marina Improvements Pre-Design: Kitsap County