Don Morse Park: City of Chelan


Facet provided initial site evaluation, a restoration feasibility report, and shoreline conceptual layouts in support of the City of Chelan’s redevelopment and marina expansion at Don Morse Park. Facet staff developed a sampling and analysis plan for the dredge area and worked with the Corps to finalize a suitability determination for re-use of dredge spoils within the beach restoration area that included over 50,000 cubic yards of fill below the OHWM to cover an eroding bulkhead and recreate an expansive public beach area. Facet planners prepared application materials and coordinated all local, state, and federal permits, including USACE, Ecology, WDFW, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.


Chelan, WA


City of Chelan

Services Provided:

  • Site Evaluation & Restoration Planning

    • Initial site evaluation and feasibility report for shoreline restoration

    • Conceptual shoreline layouts to support redevelopment and marina expansion

  • Regulatory Coordination & Compliance

    • Development of a sampling and analysis plan for dredge area

    • Coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to finalize suitability determination for dredge spoil re-use

    • Planning for beach restoration, including placement of over 50,000 cubic yards of fill below the OHWM

  • Permitting Support

    • Preparation of application materials for local, state, and federal permits

    • Coordination with USACE, Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)


Bellevue Way SE HOV Lane: City of Bellevue


Shoreline Master Program Updates: Muncipalities Across Washington State