CAL Waterworks - Water System Improvements
Facet performed a comprehensive analysis of the physical and legal capacity of the CAL Waterworks system. The analysis identified the need for significant improvements to address the deterioration of system structures, deficiencies in pumping capacity, inadequate storage capacity, and distribution system constraints. Facet handled the design and permitting for the project, which included a new pumphouse with sufficient space for system needs and new pumps designed to meet existing and future system demands. In addition, the undersized and leaking reservoir was removed and replaced with a new concrete storage reservoir. Facet assisted in construction management to limit interruptions and to validate installed facilities.
Freeland, Washington
Cascadia Water
Partner Firms:
Larry Brown Construction (General Contractor); Baker Silo (Reservoir Construction)
Services Provided:
Waterworks System Analysis
Construction Management
The old pumphouse was in poor condition with a mess of exposed wiring.
A new, durable, and well-lit pumphouse with sufficient space.